VFW Magazine is Going Digital

- 7/19/2023

Each year, VFW publishes and mails 10 issues of the magazine to all VFW members and VFW magazine subscribers. Beginning in January 2024, six of those issues will be printed and mailed. The other four issues will be digital issues available on VFW’s website. We will send an email with a link to the digital issue to those with an email address on file.

man looks at a digital magazine on his laptopTo add an email address or update your current email address on file, log in to VFW’s Online Membership System and do so.

By ensuring you have a valid email address with VFW, you will not miss out on additional content in the digital issues such as videos, links to content not found in the articles as well as direct links to important email addresses and advertisers.

However, VFW understands that some will wish to continue receiving 10 printed copies of the magazine. If you want to continue receiving a printed version of all issues, VFW needs to hear from you by Oct. 1, 2023.

To do so, you can call VFW’s Member Service Center at 1.833.839.9397 or write to: Member Service Center, VFW, 406 West 34th Street, Kansas City, MO 64111.

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VFW Magazine is Going Digital

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